A place to dump elderly - HOSPITAL

6:59 AM Ahmedkzaman 0 Comments

A week before Hari Raya
As I was pushing an Aunty aged around 60 years old, that just sat on the wheel chair, towards the procedure room for Gellhorn pessary insertion this conversation happened

Aunty: Will you be the one inserting the ring??
Me: Of course...... Not! (while smiling-senyum kambing) We are not allowed to do it unless our senior doctors. Because this is a special ring pessary. This is the one that will be better for you because it somehow will be there much more longer, and we can recycle to use it after cleaning thoroughly. That's why I, a junior doctor am not allowed to put it in.
Aunty: Oh, OK. Good to hear that, or else I'm gonna kick your face. Haha 
(We laughed together loudly)
different types of pessaries available.
source: http://openi.nlm.nih.gov/imgs/512/27/3097351/3097351_192_2011_1390_Fig2_HTML.png

This Aunty is a very famous patient in the ward. 
She shouts a lot.
She smiles a lot too.
And she has a very low pain tolerance.

The last sentence actually made our work so tiring, everyday we need to deal with these kinds of patients. She will shout loudly whenever we tried to put in vaginal packings.
Yes, this vaginal packing procedure is painful, but if no cooperation at all from the patient's side, how to do it gently? (Am I right?Or am I wrong? You decide) Everytime, she will make us difficult by closing her legs together and compressing the speculum, sometimes even the speculum got broken.(Haha.. She was strong)
she loves toshout a lot
source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgWkRhNRPaATHZ0RerkI6X-E-_6dpMuDXo_93bGueBWky7moCJlbV2Vt6lowv1hfi9OVyAFeHraF4plSMjvqZq7RvJU21SRenQSv0jUEHJbBTSEmoHjzmtcaQ9TvkfKTkVZHlLMB3ak8pI/s1600/angry+old+woman+(2).jpg
This is because she's suffering from Schizophrenia. Pity her... It's not her fault,she didn't decide to be Schizophrenic.

Dr. Sam: Aunty, everything's good. No more ulcers. I want to send you back home today. But, we need to put in special pessary ring for you.
Aunty: Ha??!!! I don't want! I don't want! It'll hurt a lot!
Dr. Sam: Yup, AUnty. It'll hurt, but not so much if you cooperate with us. You keep calm, don't pull you buttocks up, and everything gonna go smoothly.
(then that Aunty began struggling & shouting while Dr. Sam inserting the gellhorn)

I was assigned by Dr. Sam to hold the legs so that the gellhorn inserted properly and in a proper position. There were 4 of us, holding the struggling Aunty.

Fuh~~ FInally, managed to hold her and put in the Gellhorn Pessary properly.

you see, it's not her fault. she suffered from schizo
source: http://www.scienceclarified.com/images/uesc_09_img0510.jpg


Patient's son and husband came to hospital as we told them that she can go back. But, prior to that we need to teach the patient, husband or son on how to put in special cream (Premarin cream) for the benefit of the Aunty.

Suddenly, this conversation happened:

Dr. Sam: We need to teach all of you, how to put in the cream. It's very simple.
Husband: No, no, no. Its her body, and she'll do it herself. I dont want to learn
Son: Eh? Do it over here (in hospital) cannot eh?
(I was shocked)
Dr. Sam: It's very simple. Come, I'll show you.
Husband: I won't ever do this on her
Dr. Sam: Eh, this is your wife. You promised to take care of her when you both got married! How come you don't want to help her? (in her professional tone)
Husband: Ok la.. Ok la.. (reluctant tone) Or my son can do it for her
Son: Eh, I got things to do too.
Dr. Sam: She was the one washing your poops when you were kid. Why don't you help her this time?
Son: Ya la.. Ya la.. (same reluctant tone)
(I felt offended by the son's response, but kept quite for the sake of professionalism)


Right before going home, another conversation happened:

Son: Doctor, why not you put the urine bag for my mom?
Me: She's Okay already. No need for urine bag. She got no more ulcers. No more prolapsed vagina. She can pee like a normal people do.
Son: But, it'll be hard for me to keep on changing her diapers! (his tone started to change)
Me: But there's no indications for urine bag (with my stubborn tone)
Son: Ok lah!

Then, she was discharged from the ward
Fuh!! Finally, the relatives brought her back.


What was happening was:

  1. Son has his own plan over the public holiday
  2. Husband's love suddenly gone
  3. Husband doesn't want to be responsible
  4. Son wants to make everything easier for him.

everyday, they chose to please themselves. Huh!!
source: https://thegibbygirl.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/selfish-today.png

This is the most common situation happened in hospital.
Everyone thinks that hospital is a nursing home, especially in government hospital with private wing. Easier for them to dump their parents there. The cost will be minimum, they can save energy as well, as we have attendants, staff nurses in the ward.

this is the place, where everyone chose to dump their parents