
8:35 AM Ahmedkzaman 0 Comments

We are seeing a lot of social issues in our labour ward. And it really made my heart bled A LOT!

I'm a Muslim, so I STRONGLY disagree to pre-marital sex even before I get married.
Just imagine, seeing a 19 years old girl, unmarried, unsure who's the husband. But, put the blame on a dearest friend. (a confession from the girl) Pity the friend, became a scapegoat of others' sins.

Be careful of befriending others. Don't let yourselves become the DESIGNATED scapegoat.

Actually, I would like to share about my experience with one of them.

...(almost finished taking history)..
Her LMP (last menstrual period) was 31st August 2014. In reality, we have not yet achieved independence
"Puan, dah kahwin berapa lama?" as usual, I ask the template question about social history
"Alhamdulillah Doktor, saya kahwin sejak Februari" while smiling to me, eventhough she's having contraction pain.

"Oh, maksudnya dah kahwin lebih setahun la, ya?" I asked with 'husnu zhon' (having good thought of her)
"Eh, taklah Doktor. Baru saja 2 bulan kami kahwin." 

"Jadinya, hubungan kelamin berlaku sebelum berkahwin la, ya?"
"Iya, Doktor. Saya menyesal"

...(I flipped her pink pregnancy book and saw something 'fishy')...
"Puan, tinggal di Gua Musang, ya? Kenapa bersalin kat sini, ya?"
"Saya ikut suami. Dia nak pindah ke sini."

"Follow up dimana, sebelum-sebelum ini?"
"Kat Gua Musang, HKL, dan klinik private"

"So, melompat-lompat lah jumpa doktor, ya?"
"............(krik..krik..krik..)..." silence


Lately, we're receiving a lot of patients from Kelantan, which is might be fleeing from the Hudud Law. For a man/woman that was found guilty of adultery, they will be either;
  1. stoned to death (married)
  2. hundred lashes in public
(by the way, I don't have the right to talk deeply about the law, because I'm not an 'ahl' of the hudud law)
Are you in?? Don't just be a keyboard warrior, yet YOU are the one conducting AGAINST the Hudud Law
The point is, they're running away from Kelantan for this reason, and it makes our job tougher, as we don't have the exact information throughout our patient's pregnancy. And it gets worst when our patient is the type of 'doctor-shopping' type (grammar taken from window-shopping), means they don't go to 1 doctor, but to a lot of doctors!
Run fast, and furious!! But, don't put the blame on 'incompetent' doctors later!
Wherever you are running away from, you're still on the Earth, a creation which The-All-Knowing knows your whereabout.

Muraqabatullah - the feeling that THE-ALMIGHTY is always watching you.
Maybe you are so cunning that you can get away from the punishments now, but in Hereafter, you WILL definitely be punished of your sins.